Monday 24 October 2016

Starting a YouTube Channel??

Hi everyone,

You've probably noticed from the title of this post that it's not your standard blog post and in fact it's quite the opposite. I've decided only recently that I'm going to make a YouTube channel in hope that the lovely readers from my lovely little blog here will not only continue to read my blog posts but will also support me in the new movement of LifeWithLuce. I thought by challenging myself further as an individual by branching out to something a little more daunting and personal, it will not only build my own confidence and interests, it'll look good when applying to jobs etc.

I've done my research and in actual fact noticed that there is already a YouTube channel called LifeWithLuce, which isn't a bad thing at all, it only makes my life a little challenging when deciding what to call my YouTube channel. I've also done my research in the technical department and to the lack of experience that I have and the lack of high-tech cameras and editing equipment that I have, it unfortunately won't be at the highest quality that you would find on perhaps Zoella's YouTube channel, or Tanya Burr's, lets say.

My videos would consist of clothing hauls, makeup tutorials, what's in my bag videos, videos of me giving advice and tips on personal topics, product reviews and baking videos. As I'm still in the midst of A-Levels, I'll still be putting my studies first of course, however I'm going to desperately try my best to incorporate my time around filming videos, editing and uploading etc.

So that's basically a quick overview on the new little adventure of mine and hopefully you will join me along the way. I've always wanted to do this, I've just never had the guts to go ahead with it!

Thanks for reading as always my cherubs.

Lots of love,
Luce xx