Saturday 11 October 2014

Lush Haul | lifewithluce

Hello everybody! Today, after much anticipation to create this post, I've finally sneaked some time in on this chilly, Autumnal afternoon to do so. So, my post today is ALL Lush related. I absolutely love reading posts on Lush cosmetics and watching +Zoella 's YouTube Lush Haul videos, so this is a post i'm definitely going to enjoy writing. Last weekend, my mum and myself took ourselves to Leeds for some well deserved, quality shopping time. On our travels we found ourselves in (one of my most favourite shops) Lush Cosmetics. I absolutely adore this shop, it's a me kind of shop. The smell is somewhat powerful once you walk in, yet it always seems to bring a smile to my face. My eyes are always searching and my nose smelling for some other bath bomb or bubble bar I haven't yet purchased. Now around this time of the year, Lush bring out the festive products, that includes Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas. I admit, after I left the shop, after a considerable amount of time, I did feel like I had bought pretty much the whole of Lush. However, in my opinion the price is so worth it. I don't know if you've been in Lush recently but it really got me into the festive spirit. I don't know if it's the nippy wind outside, big coats or the thrilling lead up to Christmas but i've never felt so festive so early in the year! 

Here is my little collection of themed Lush products I purchased;

La Collection
Just so you can see the collection in more detail, i've took individual photos of the products. As shown below;

Shoot For The Stars
This bath bomb smells so so incredible and I can imagine wonderful, dazzling colours exploding once fizzing and shooting away in my bath tub. It's a perfect bath bomb to launch into your water after a long tiring day of Christmas shopping. I love the baby blue shooting star which surrounds this beautiful bath bomb, it's really quite captivating and it finishes the design in a really well created way.

Yog Nog
I can't describe how indulgent, plain and yet simply amazing this soap bar smells like. It has the Chocolate Crunchie scent and it's definately a temptation to taste a bit.. I think it's a smell that you either love of hate as it's quite sweet and sickly. The bar itself is quite slippery in your hands and I haven't actually used this yet, but I could imagine it being a a lathery texture when in contact with water. I bet it leaves your hands smelling divine after using it though. I think it's even been dusted with cocoa powder for extra sweetness and a more attractive finish, I have to say, it is one of my most favourite products I purchased last week. There was a larger option, however, I thought the size I bought was a large enough.

Sparkly Bath Bomb
This yellow bath bomb really captures your attention as it gradually sinks into the water, thousands of golden particles literally explode once in the water. I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely salesman who worked at Lush cosmetics and he showed me what happened to this plain, yet exciting fizz filled, explosive bath bomb in the water. This bath bomb is Bonfire Night themed and I love how Lush think of everything occasional wise. It doesn't look very attractive out of the water as the wonderful Alfie evidently states it as the 'Corn on the Cob' ( +PointlessBlog) . It has a long strip of golden sparkles down the centre which swims across the water, leaving the water a beautiful golden, sparkly look. It smells quite strong and powerful which could represent the explosive atmosphere on Bonfire Night with the fireworks and bonfires. There was a purple replica of this bath bomb, which i've forgotten the name of but instead of a golden strip down the middle, it has a a silver centre. Both, a great combination of colours.
Sparkly Pumpkin
Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. This gorgeous, orange bubble bar has a warming and cheerful scent which is ideal for any cold, crisp night. As soon as I saw this bubble bar in Lush I knew instantly that it was coming home in my Lush bag. As it was the only Halloween themed bubble bar I found it was a must really. Plus, the smell made my decision much more easy to make. To create this wonderful experience in the bath, all you do is crumble it under the running water and watch the magic happen with hundreds of bubbles develop in front of your eyes.
Christmas Eve
This bubble bar instantly makes me all Christmassy and cosy inside. The bright, yellow moon on the pale blue sky brings a warm, festive mood to my bathroom window sill. The smell that comes with this lovely designed bubble bar is magnificent. I'm guessing a warm yellow and blue swirl of colours in the bath water when crumbled under the running water, leaving a cheerful and dazzling glow. I wish they had this bar all the time in Lush because i'd probably be in there all the time! I'll just have to stack up on them in the bathroom cabinet, a years supply..
Holly Go Lightly
This is by far my most preferred Christmas bubble bar. It's cased in a sparkling, desirable silver glitter which leaves the bath water looking gorgeous. It has the most Christmassy scent I've ever smelt in Lush. It's spice scented, which makes me feeling cosy inside. Perfect to watch bubble away after coming out of the wintry winds. I also adore the festive design on the bubble bar, the reds and greens are my all time favourite Christmas colours, especially together. The only bad thing I can say about this is that the glitter gets everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Although, it does add extra sparkle to my life:')

Lastly, I want to present to you my two little cherubs of loveliness. On the left you can see So White, this is a deluxe shower gel which just leaves my skin feeling really soft and smooth, not to mention the scent. Now the scent is actually the same as the So White bath bomb which obviously is just as gorgeous. I had to limit myself at some point.. The shower gel also has a shimmer to it which makes your skin looking lovely. It has apple, rose, bergamot and neroil oils to 'lift the spirts'. Again, a lovely combination of smells. Then, on the right you can see Mask of Magnaminty which is a face and back pack, love the use of play on words there;') It has a wonderful and refreshing peppermint smell too. It's a self-preserving formula and does everything in its power to fight eruptions and outbreaks. Something that i'm always conscious of. It's now become quite an essential of mine..

So that's everything I bought in the lovely +LUSH Cosmetics shop. Something well worth spending money on. I hope you've enjoyed reading this post. As always, keep smiling and shop at Lush;')
Luce x

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