Friday 4 December 2015

Onwards and Upwards | lifewithluce

Good evening all,

In this post, I haven't really got a main 'theme' as such but the main aspect of it is keeping positive no matter what's happened or happening in your life at the moment. So, someone asked me today, "So what are your talents?" and honestly I froze and I didn't know what to say. I had played my guitar in the past, thanks to my late Dad surprising me with one when I was a little girl, I love to sing all the time and it feels so nice when people say "you're such a good singer Lucy" out of the blue, I'd baked hundreds of buns and honestly felt so proud, but then I actually thought about this little page I made and actually felt a sense of pride. It made me smile and I picked up my laptop and decided to start typing :-)

So, I'll get on with it. You may of noticed that I've been with someone for quite some time from my previous posts and a couple weeks back it all ended, and not very pleasantly either. I wont go into much detail in the specific events but when someone is disloyal in the relationship, it's not very easy to forgive them, especially after the amount of time you spent with them day in, day out. However, we were arguing a LOT, perhaps it drove him to become distracted from what was happening between us and focus on finding happiness elsewhere.

After a year and four months, it's normal that in some relationships, feelings fade and consequently fade away from what i'd call not only your partner, but your best friend. It really hits home when everything begins to sink in and I'm not going to lie, I posted a harsh status and texted people close to him about what he had done. I can blame anger and the feeling of betrayal for the way I acted and in no way am I proud of that and hopefully I can learn from my mistakes. But, what I do know is when you love someone and their life and your life are so similar because you do practically everything together, act like each other, share so many memories together and it all just ends in a matter of minutes you do feel like you've been punched in the stomach several times.

Break ups are happening all the time and it's just a part of life you need to get through. Some quicker than others, some worse than others. We are all different people and shouldn't be judged on how you apply your emotions when it comes to break ups. Of course, some of the people around you can either take away the happiness or increase it in just a few words, at the end of the day, it's down to you how you react to it which is the important thing. Plus, when you've spent such a long time with someone and they find it super easy to move on just like that, people do not know what it's like until they've experienced it themselves. However, when mixed messages come into it by the ex, the last thing you need is to be messed around. So, finding the strength to just let go or in other words 'just get over it', it will always be a challenge but the best way out!

What I am incredibly proud, thankful and happy about are my friends, new friends, family and most importantly, my mum. I'd probably be curled up in bed crying my eyes out if it wasn't for them, I know, pathetic! BUT, I'm sat on my sofa, Gogglebox on pause, laptop on my lap and just typing away, getting it all out and I haven't felt this relived for a while. The amount of people who have shown support and have actually managed to put smiles on my face through all this has been incredible and I feel so so lucky to have them in my life.

If you, reading this have felt or are feeling like what I have felt, my advise would be to surround yourself with happy, positive people, distract yourself with as many different things possible, create a playlist with your best, favourite songs and make as many plans with friends or family as you like. I know, when you're feeling like you've hit rock bottom, the last thing you want to do is be around people because you feel like you're just going to depress everyone. That's fine! Listen to that playlist and when your mood starts to pick up a little, your friends will always be there, ready and waiting to make plans.

In a way, I'm lucky this has happened to me because it just makes me feel like a stronger individual and preparing me for future relationships. Also, after some time, myself and Max have decided to remain friends as what's done is done in the past and we can both continue with our separate lives with people we both deserve whilst still being friends. Plus because this has happened, I get to share my thoughts and feelings to you and maybe even help you a little.

Lots of love, as always,
Luce xxx

Thursday 24 September 2015


Good evening!

I think it's fair to say that it's been way too long since i've been on my little site. Lifewithluce was definitely a hobby that died out for a very long time. I'm not going to lie, I have had a mental past year and no, this isn't any excuse as there has been many times I could've been back. Anyhow, I have missed typing away to you all.

I've just started sixth form after finishing all my GCSE's- which by the way is apparently nothing compared to A-Levels... oh flipping hell. I've decided to take Law, English Literature and Food Technology, three subjects i'm very fond of. I'm loving sixth form so far and even though it's hard work, i'm definitely determined to get the best results I can get. Little bit of motivational talk for you there ;-)

There isn't really any 'topic' to this post if you like, i'm just enjoying typing away on my laptop to who ever out there decides to visit, old or new. I believe the last time I had written a post on here, I had been through quite an ordeal with a certain person on the internet which affected me massively, i'm not going to go into it as it's still a very personal matter of mine. I would just like to advise anyone reading this, please make sure you know who you get talking to on the internet as it could end up in a very confusing and upsetting time, as it was for me. On a brighter note, I have a new fella now, (I say new, we've been together for more than a year now) who by the way is one very special human... he's been wanting a mention for a while now so there you are. :-)

I will start my blog properly again by the way, i'll have to rack my brains to come up with some appealing and exciting new posts. I think the fact it's now officially Autumn, (one of my favourite seasons of the year I might add) I don't think i'll be short of ideas as there are so many lovely things happening around this time of the year, such as halloween, bonfire night and the Autumn clothing that I just adore, Not to mention Christmas is just around the corner and I feel like an excited little five year old all over again! Even the thought of mince pies, (which I've already eaten this year and it's only September...) mulled wine, snow, Christmas tree decorating and cosy evenings with fluffy blankets and the fire on. I think i'm getting a bit ahead of myself.

On that note, I shall hopefully be back soon with some fancy, new ideas and I hope you have a lovely evening.

Lots of love,
Luce x

Sunday 22 March 2015

Making Butterfly Buns | lifewithluce

Hello, hello, hello! I hope you are all very well. It's definately been a heck of a long time since I've been on lifewithluce. However, I've never actually forgotten about my lil' blog :-) It's quite hard when I still have people coming up to me in school asking when my next post will be up, I like that people enjoy reading it that much. So, if you remember a while back, whether you've been with me from the start of lifewithluce or you just happened to stumble across this post of mine, I have done a post like this once before, it was called Making Cookies and I think it was uploaded some time last year? Anyway, what I'm going to be posting today is, you've probably guessed it from the title already but I'll be making butterfly buns today. I absolutely love butterfly buns, infact I love any kind of sweet treats, so this was a must to post today :-) 

This recipe is courtesy of the Be-Ro Home Recipes and I've stuck by this cooking book since I can remember so I didn't have any major worries on the outcome of these today. 

100g (4oz) margarine 
100g (4oz) caster sugar
2 medium eggs
100g (4oz) self-raising flour

1) You need to pre-heat your oven to 180C, 340F, Gas Mark 4 then either grease your baking tray or add pretty little bun cases in your bun tin.
 2) Then you will need to weigh out 100g of soft margarine and put it into a large mixing bowl.

3) Then, you will need to weigh out 100g of caster sugar and place it in the same large bowl.

 4) Then, mix them both together making it a light creamy colour.
5) After, you will need to weigh out 100g of of self-raising flour, not forgetting to sieve the flour into the bowl.

 6) You will need 2 medium eggs.
 7) You will then need to crack both eggs into a glass and whisk them vigorously using a fork, making sure there is no shell  has fallen in.
8)  Sieve the flour into the bowl, in small amounts with the egg poured in between.
9) Pour in the egg

10) Mix together until creamy.
11) Add an equal amount of mixture into the bun cases and put into the pre-heated oven, using an oven glove.
12) Bake for 20 minutes.
 13) Make sure they're a deep golden brown colour and are not sizzling when you take them out of the oven or they're not fully cooked and need to go back in.
14) Take them out of the tin and place them on a cooling rack.
 15) Whilst they're cooling, weigh out 50g of soft margarine for the butter icing.
 16) Place the margarine into a bowl.
17) Then weigh out 100g of of icing sugar flour.
  18) Then sieve the icing sugar in the bowl.  
19) After, use the back of the spoon to combine the margarine and icing sugar.
20) Until you get a thick consistency.
 21) Then using a knife, cut out a circle at the top of the bun and cut the top into halves.
 22) Next, fill the bun with icing sugar so it's slightly domed at the top.
 23) Then, add the halves on top as shown below to create the butterfly wings effect.
 24) To decorate, sprinkle any thing you fancy on top, I used chocolate balls.
 25) Once you have completed all the buns leave them to cool. Once they have cooled, they are best enjoyed with a cup of the finest Yorkshire tea or a splendid cup of rich coffee. ;)

Thankyou for reading or scanning through this post, I hope it's given you inspiration to make some of your own cute little butterfly buns! <3