Saturday 29 March 2014

Introduction | lifewithluce

So this is my first blog on lifewithluce! I'm Lucy, I'm fifteen and I have a huge passion for Interior Design, music and photography. 

I've been inspired by a wide range of people to create this blog, whether it's  the lovely Zoella, friends/family or purely just other bloggers, I really hope you enjoy reading this and perhaps it may inspire you to create a blog too!

I'm currently living in the UK and i'm studying for my GCSEs. Because of that i'm quite aware that I wont be able to post very often as much as i'd like to as revision seems to take over everything:(
On this blog I will be posting various different interests of mine, from beauty to fashion to interior design.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and feel free to leave as many comments as you like and if you want you can follow me on Instagram and also twitter:-)


-Twitter- @Lucybrown7 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh this is pretty cool. Do you have any pics on yourblog yet?
