Tuesday 26 August 2014

Sweets & Treats | lifewithluce

Hello again! In this post I'm going to share with you different snacks that i've enjoyed and found over these holidays from recipe books, on Pinterest or on Tumblr. Ever since I was a young girl i've always found food a big fascination whether its due to the taste, appearance or aroma, I found myself admiring food wherever and whenever. I think my dad's influence has brought me up to be more intrigued and adventurous when it came to food. He always encouraged me to try more different foods, I think my first seafood dish was when I was only three! However, as much as I adore seafood I wont be including any seafood dishes in this post, i'm simply going to surround this post around 'sweet treats'. So more of a baking approach rather than a cooking approach :-) Enjoy!

I know if i'm ever a bit peckish, I occasionally like to prepare myself a little fruit salad. Raspberries, blueberries and banana are a must, but I do like to add other fruits in also just to give some extra taste. It's always nice to have it on muesli too on a morning, with yogurt, dates and seeds, perhaps with a drizzling of maple syrup just to finish it off and give that added sweetness. 

This picture caught my eye instantly, these carrot cake doughnuts are simply to die for. The fact I adore carrot cake and doughnuts in the first place makes this tasty snack so much more appealing. A lovely idea and I could imagine being quite filling so it ticks all the right boxes for me :-) 

SMOOTHIES! I can't get enough of them, homemade or shop bought, smoothies are definitely an all time favourite of mine. I love the fact you can experiment with so many different flavours and make them look so attractive. The top ones are mango, coconut and banana which I can imagine to taste divine. The second image of the smoothies is actually called a Blueberry Muffin Smoothie, so obviously blueberry is the main flavour in that, therefore personally another tasty and refreshing one to try out. Also, a bonus to smoothies aswell is that they're healthy so you can have one everyday and not feel guilty afterwards.

As you may know from one of my previous posts, i'm a sucker for chocolate chip cookies. So there was no question about it that I just had to include them in this post. They are my absolute ultimate snack and they're just so ideal if you're ever craving for something sweet but not too filling. The great thing about them is that they're actually really simple to make and you can go make some of your own by following my chocolate chip cookie recipe on this blog. 

Now, energy bars are such a great snack to put you on. they're healthy, tasty and give you plenty of energy for the day ahead. They're useful for if you're doing exercise because it gives you that boost of energy you need and plus they're also quite sweet due to the syrup content so can be seen as a little treat too. The only downside I can think of is the ingredients needed to make them, if you have plenty of time on your hands these are the perfect little snack to produce.

Cake pops are a new favourite of mine, yes they are a hassle to make but when you get them right, you really do get them right. I tried to make some a couple of weeks back and they didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted, they were very sweet and the texture wasn't great. However, I love the idea of them and you can go all out on the decoration. I've chosen pastel colours to represent the cake pops in this post, I think they look adorable and appealing too! A great little sweet treat to have whatever the occasion. 

Banana cake, yes some people could turn their noses up at this, although personally I find banana cake scrumptious. My mum's homemade banana cake is divine and it's an ideal way to use up those ripe and unwanted bananas in the fruit bowl. I used to have this as an after school treat when I went to primary school and when my mum picked me up and I saw a slice of banana cake wrapped up in kitchen roll I had the biggest grin on my face ;-) Such a lovely treat to snack on.

I hope you've enjoyed reading this post, I know I enjoyed writing it. I think I might do some more food posts in the future, not too sure what exactly about just yet. Bye for now! :-) 

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