Friday 23 May 2014

May Favourites | lifewithluce

Hello everybody! I've been looking at various different blogs recently and i've noticed many bloggers have being uploading posts on May Favourites! So me being me, i've literally been loving so many new things this month and decided i'd share them with you all :-) Oh and I just wanted to say a HUGE thankyou for 1K page views, that's crazy, I never thought it'd hit that amount in just a few months :-) Thanks again everyone! :*

It was kind of a must have to include my new obsession this past week, American Horror Story is definitely a programme for you older viewers as it's rated an 18, but honestly it's so good. It's quite explicit and gruesome so make sure you watch it with the right kind of people. The characters are amazing too - especially Tate! The plot is so interesting and engrossing which I find is really important in an on going series. From the title you can tell it's horror so prepare yourself before watching it, well I do anyway! I'm not actually a great fan of horrors but this is definitely an exception. I highly recommended this programme, it's so addictive!

This book has become really popular recently and I just had to get involved in the whole craze of it. As soon as I began reading this book, I knew instantly that I was grabbed and then realised what everyone was talking about. I haven't read all of this book but i've been enjoying it so so much. If you haven't got this already, go to the shop right now and get it! To say that i'm not a big reader this has definitely inspired me to read more. It's basically about this girl who suffers from cancer, a cancer support group and a boy and a girl who fall in love, not to give anything away :-)

As I said a couple of blog posts ago, I mentioned how I desperately needed some new sunglasses, I did have in mind on purchasing circular glasses but these just caught my eye straight away. After some deliberation on which colour to get I thought i'd be a bit different and go for clear pink. Its arms are tortoise shell print so it adds that extra glam :-) They're so cute and if you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you'll see me wearing them. Plus the glasses case is really cute too, they also come in loads more different colours! Not to mention this gorgeous weather recently, these definitely came in handy! 

These topshop, blue, checkered leggings are my current favourites by far. I bought these just the other week and when I tried them on in the changing rooms I knew I had to buy them. They go with so many different tops and shoes of mine too, they're so ideal for any season really! For topshop these leggings were not that expensive, £22 I think they were, but I don't know for certain. You can also buy them in black checkered also, but I do own a lot of black and I didn't want to buy something else in that colour. 

Lastly, I wanted to show you my new purse in this gorgeous, bold, green colour. As my last purse wasn't that ideal for notes I had to get a larger one. This one is from Accessorize and I bought it for just £17! Unfortunately, it's not leather, however it still looks classy and due to the bold colour you won't be losing that out of your sight anytime soon! It goes really well with my bag too, as that's a royal blue handbag. 

Thanks for spending your time reading this and I'll be posting again sometime next week. Hope everyone's exams have gone alright this week, I know i've been very stressed! Bye for now! :-) x

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