Monday 5 May 2014

Making Cookies | lifewithluce

Hi everyone! As I absolutely love chocolate chip cookies I thought i'd give you the most perfect yet simplest cookie recipe i've ever used. For as long as I can remember I've always had a passion for baking and I have such fond memories of baking buns, cookies, cakes, etc with my mum. The recipe i've taken this one from is the Be-Ro Home Recipes, which personally I find is a god send and I literally depend on this recipe so much throughout my baking. So I hope you enjoy reading this post, I thought i'd do something a bit different today :-) 

Ingredients needed:

Margarine - 100g (4oz)  
Soft light brown sugar - 75g (3oz)
Syrup - 2 x 15 ml spoon (2 tbsp)
Self raising flour - 175g (6oz)
Chocolate chips/chocolate chunks - 100g (4oz)
Milk - 2 x 15ml spoon (2 tbsp)

1. Firstly, heat your oven to 180'C, 350'F, Gas Mark 4 and then grease two baking trays. 
2. Then, beat the margarine until soft (I tend to get a creamy, white kind of colour), add the sugar and cream together until light and fluffy.

3. Afterwards, you'll need to get the rest of your ingredients and stir them all together and mix well! Make sure you sieve the flour before adding it into your bowl.

4. Once you've mixed all your ingredients together thoroughly, use your hands or a spoon to dollop the mixture onto your baking tray. Make sure they're not to wide or too small and try to keep them all an even size :-)

5. Then put them in the oven to bake for around 8-10 minutes. 

6. After being in the oven just check if they're cooked by either slightly touching the tops of the cookies or listening for any sizzles. Once they're baked, just place them on a cooling rack to cool.

7. Then, place them on a plate and for extra delight just make yourself a brew (proper Yorkshire), enjoy! :-)

Ta da!

Well guys, that's it for this week! I really hope you've enjoyed reading this post and hopefully it will inspire you to make some gorgeous cookies also! I think I might do a personal post next week so be sure to check that out soon! Have a nice week all! :-)

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