Thursday 24 September 2015


Good evening!

I think it's fair to say that it's been way too long since i've been on my little site. Lifewithluce was definitely a hobby that died out for a very long time. I'm not going to lie, I have had a mental past year and no, this isn't any excuse as there has been many times I could've been back. Anyhow, I have missed typing away to you all.

I've just started sixth form after finishing all my GCSE's- which by the way is apparently nothing compared to A-Levels... oh flipping hell. I've decided to take Law, English Literature and Food Technology, three subjects i'm very fond of. I'm loving sixth form so far and even though it's hard work, i'm definitely determined to get the best results I can get. Little bit of motivational talk for you there ;-)

There isn't really any 'topic' to this post if you like, i'm just enjoying typing away on my laptop to who ever out there decides to visit, old or new. I believe the last time I had written a post on here, I had been through quite an ordeal with a certain person on the internet which affected me massively, i'm not going to go into it as it's still a very personal matter of mine. I would just like to advise anyone reading this, please make sure you know who you get talking to on the internet as it could end up in a very confusing and upsetting time, as it was for me. On a brighter note, I have a new fella now, (I say new, we've been together for more than a year now) who by the way is one very special human... he's been wanting a mention for a while now so there you are. :-)

I will start my blog properly again by the way, i'll have to rack my brains to come up with some appealing and exciting new posts. I think the fact it's now officially Autumn, (one of my favourite seasons of the year I might add) I don't think i'll be short of ideas as there are so many lovely things happening around this time of the year, such as halloween, bonfire night and the Autumn clothing that I just adore, Not to mention Christmas is just around the corner and I feel like an excited little five year old all over again! Even the thought of mince pies, (which I've already eaten this year and it's only September...) mulled wine, snow, Christmas tree decorating and cosy evenings with fluffy blankets and the fire on. I think i'm getting a bit ahead of myself.

On that note, I shall hopefully be back soon with some fancy, new ideas and I hope you have a lovely evening.

Lots of love,
Luce x

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