Wednesday 23 April 2014

Exterior Design | lifewithluce

Hi there! I thought it was time for another blog post as it's been a good few days since I last did one. After some different thoughts and ideas on what this blog post would be about I came to the decision that exterior design would be a good idea :-) House designs, inside and out, have been a great passion of mine since I was around eight or nine years old. It began when I went to Victoria in Australia when I was eight. The architecture and different designs in houses and buildings really opened my eyes, not just in an intrigued sense but also in a possible career path. Since then, i've been obsessed with exterior and interior designs. In this post i'm going to show you four beautiful and interesting houses of which i've fallen in love with. I hope you enjoy reading! :-)


This stunning, Georgian featured house has such elegance and beauty. I really think the deep grey door complements the white finish to the house perfectly. Personally I can't find fault in the classic architecture, it looks like an ideal family home with welcoming touches. I'd definately be a proud home owner if this was my house. It looks quite large from the outside which suggests that the rooms inside are spacious and open- something I always look for in a house. I like the fact there is greenery around the house to bring more colour and depth to the house surroundings, you can clearly see a white, grey and green colour theme in this picture.

My next picture-

Now onto this beautiful cottage, I think most people would agree with me that this house has such character and warmth. I'd say it's a rural home due to the vast amount of greenery, this could be seen as a negative thing because of how the trees don't allow any light inside the house. However, it definitely looks cute and pretty from the outside. I love the doors and windows too, they really bring out the country feel to it. Again, this cottage looks like an ideal family home and even though it's slightly enclosed within the trees and bushes, I still find it a welcoming home for family and friends due to it's beauty and charm. 

My third house-

I'm literally obsessed with grand, beverly hills type houses like these. I think the blue rimmed windows really give that edge to the house and make it look so much more classier. Obviously the image instantly becomes much more interesting with this amazing pool. It also looks quite 'grown up'. I also really like the fact that it's so tall, the three stories make the house look and feel much more high class and exclusive. I would definately love to live here, it looks like the perfect place for parties and get togethers :-)

My last house-

Now I thought by having a different range of designed houses it would make people more fascinated by this post. I wanted to show you this unique and engaging house to perhaps increase your knowledge on different architecture. I find this intriguing house really striking and exotic, what I mean by that is that I find having open planned houses really modern and convenient. I find the greenery from the trees make the household much more hidden and private. This house reminds me of a smaller version of the Cullen house in twilight, as childish as it seems, it makes me much more inclined to see not just the exterior of the house but the interior too. It seems as if it's an Eco friendly house due to how the house is surrounded by the environment. I really appreciate this peculiar and extraordinary architecture because of how much thought has been put into it plus it's one of my most favourite designs of houses in this post.

Thankyou for reading this post and spending your time on it. You never know, if you've been inspired you could be doing similar posts to this in the near future. Bye for now!   :-) 

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