Tuesday 10 June 2014

40 things before I die | lifewithluce

First of all, I just want to take this opportunity to say how sorry I am for taking so long to do another blog post. I have been so so busy and I just haven't found the time due to coursework, revision etc. That aside, I hope all you lovely readers are okay and doing alright :-) Still can't believe how many of you read this, it's crazy! I never thought it would be this popular in a million years, but honestly I'm so flattered to hear your lovely compliments about my blog.
Right, so due to how little time I have I thought I'd do a bucket list sort of thing, I'm just sticking to 40 points though. . Oh, I will be doing a more detailed and interesting blog post in the near future, hopefully when I have more time! Hope you enjoy reading :-)

1) Travel the world
2) Go to university
3) Have two children, hopefully a boy and a girl
4) Hopefully qualify as a teacher, photographer or an interior designer
5) Travel in first class on an plane
6) Get married
7) Visit Vietnam, Japan and Thailand
8) Conquer my fear of spiders and wasps
9) Go to Harry Potter World
10) Pass my driving test
11) Decorate my house
12) Go to loads of festivals
13) Buy 10 lush products
14) Purchase decent straighteners and curlers
15) Learn to write in traditional Chinese writing
16) Take my family on holiday
17) Go to prom
18) Go to New York
19) Buy a homeless person a coffee
20) Chill by a fire on a beach with blankets and wine with my future boyfriend, aw
21) Go skiing in the French alps
22) Jump out of a plane
23) Grow my own vegetables :-)
24) Watch my favourite films when I was younger with my children
25) Hopefully get proposed to in Venice, Paris or on a Caribbean beach :') *hint hint*
26) Grow old with someone I love
27) Ride an elephant
28) Make up a fake name for my Starbucks cup
29) Go up the Empire State Building
30) Go Christmas shopping in New York and London
31) Ice skate in New York at Christmas
32) Jog through Central Park
33) Climb a HUGE mountain
34) Travel the world with my bestfriend or boyfriend
35) Go to Bora Bora or St Lucia for my honeymoon
35) Compose my own music on my guitar
36) Watch the sunset go down on a romantic holiday:')
37) Read all the books in my bookcase
38) Own a car
39) Be a great mum :-)
40) Live everyday like it's my last.

Thankyou for reading and i'll try and post after my exams in a few weeks. Have a fab day:') Bye!x